Comparison of electricity prices
The rates applicable to Hydro‑Québec’s residential customers are among the lowest in North America.
The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English‑language content .
The rates applicable to Hydro‑Québec’s residential customers are among the lowest in North America.
Consumption: 1,000 kWh/month
Hydro‑Québec = 100
Monthly bill (excluding taxes)
Rates in effect April 1, 2018.
This graph illustrates inflation rates and energy prices in Québec from 1963 to 2023. Electricity prices follow the inflation curve while oil and natural gas prices show greater fluctuations. Based on information available to date, the Canadian consumer price index is 975. The price index for electricity is 828, compared to 1,355 for natural gas and 4,109 for oil.
Sources: Hydro‑Québec, Régie de l'énergie, Bloomberg Oil Buyer's Guide and Statistics Canada (2023 data for oil and gas).
This document is published annually.