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Over the years, Hydro‑Québec has built a vast transmission system and developed cutting-edge technologies to carry the output of its generating facilities, mainly located in northern regions, over very long distances to the major load centers in southern Québec and to neighboring markets. Today, this grid ranks among the most extensive in North America.
Monday, March 17
12:45 a.m.
Electricity demand
in Quebec:
Sunday, March 16 at
10:30 p.m.
Energy generated from renewable sources
This data is provided in real time. It is part of the open data we make accessible to third parties who may wish to use it within the scope of the energy transition.
Learn how to identify a transmission line. Obtain authorization to carry out work or a development under a transmission line. Everything you need to know about rights‑of‑way, which are cleared corridors under transmission lines that are necessary to ensure public safety and service reliability.
Specialized documentation for private or community‑based businesses that operate or plan to operate an electricity generating facility connected to Hydro‑Québec’s system.
Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie et Équipement operates the transmission system, marketing system capacity and managing power flows across Québec.
Access to webSmartOASIS, a platform used by many North American suppliers, including Hydro‑Québec, to market their electricity transmission services.
Measures must be taken to ensure safety near international and interprovincial electricity transmission lines, as with all other transmission lines.
List of the notices published by the Régie de l’énergie du Québec regarding the files presented by Hydro‑Québec as part of its electricity transmission operations.
The Groupe – TransÉnergie et équipement, in its role as transmission provider (the “Transmission Provider”), is tasked with operating the transmission system, marketing system capacity in a non-discriminatory manner, in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements, and managing power flows across Québec.
In addition, its Direction – Contrôle des mouvements d’énergie et exploitation du réseau [system control and operations unit] acts as Reliability Coordinator for transmission systems in Québec.
Our system is characterized by very high voltage transmission lines that take electricity generated in large hydroelectric complexes concentrated in northern Québec to load centers in the south. The system includes: