Hydro-Québec 75ème anniversaire


A new ad campaign

In the 1970s, Hydro-Québec adopted a customer focus and launched a TV commercial with the slogan “On est 12 012 pour assurer votre confort” (“We are 12,012 working for your comfort”) to show that the customer was central to the utility’s operations. This commercial was a change in direction, since previous campaigns had focused on the advantages of electricity and on the technological advances made by Hydro-Québec.

A customer service employee, circa 1955. ©Hydro-Québec archives.

A customer service employee, circa 1955.

©Hydro-Québec archives.

Cartoon from Hydro-Québec’s employee newsletter, 1970. ©Hydro-Québec archives.

Cartoon from Hydro-Québec’s employee newsletter, 1970.

©Hydro-Québec archives.

Hydro-Québec switchboard operators, 1980.©Hydro-Québec archives.

Hydro-Québec switchboard operators, 1980.

©Hydro-Québec archives.

Offices of the “Customer Relations” department on the ground floor of Hydro-Québec’s headquarters in the 1960s. These offices are now used by Hydro-Québec’s customer services department.©Hydro-Québec archives.

Offices of the “Customer Relations” department on the ground floor of Hydro-Québec’s headquarters in the 1960s. These offices are now used by Hydro-Québec’s customer services department.

©Hydro-Québec archives.

The following year, the company provided all customers on the Island of Montréal with a single telephone number to call—another example of a forward-looking concern for improving the customer experience.

The history of customer service at Hydro-Québec (in French only)

Today, customers are still the central focus at Hydro-Québec. The company adapts to its customers’ needs, and that’s why it is constantly developing new tools on different platforms to facilitate customer service.

See the online services offered and follow Hydro-Québec on social media.