Priority maintenance work on the Brossard distribution system

In recent weeks, Hydro-Québec representatives met with the city of Brossard to discuss the power outages in the sector and to explain the measures put in place to deal with the issue. Hydro-Québec is aware of the inconveniences caused by the service interruptions and is working to improve the situation as quickly as possible, with priority maintenance work on the distribution system already under way.

Performance of Brossard’s power system

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The city of Brossard is supplied by 56 lines (some overhead and others underground). As the system is quite extensive, there is an increased risk of outages.

What causes the outages in Brossard?

The outages in Brossard are primarily caused by equipment failures on overhead and underground lines. Vegetation coming into contact with overhead lines can also trigger an outage.

However, a service interruption is not always related to an outage. Hydro-Québec must periodically interrupt the electricity service. These planned interruptions are necessary so that our crews can work and improve the system.

Annual number of interruptions by cause

2022-2023 (monthly)

Last update: May 31, 2023

* The “Other” category includes causes of various types, for instance, an interruption to allow for emergency services during a fire or a gas leak, emergency service interruptions caused by vehicles or machinery (collision between a vehicle and a pole, excavators, snowploughs, etc.), an animal that enters into contact with the system, lightning, extreme temperatures, etc.

An indicator that provides a clear picture

The system average interruption duration index (SAIDI) provides a quantitative portrait of the situation. The SAIDI represents the average service interruption duration (in minutes) per customer for a given period of time.

Interruption duration index (SAIDI) for Brossard

2022-2023 (monthly)

Last update: May 31, 2023

* The higher SAIDI results in April and June 2022 are due to the impacts of violent weather events.