New 735/120‑kV substation in the Lanaudière region

Major milestone achieved with the completion of the environmental impact statement

In August 2024, Hydro-Québec filed its environmental impact statement with the Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs, marking a major milestone in the project’s advancement. The impact statement (in French)This link will redirect you to an external site. is accessible on the Ministère’s website. At the end of the public participation process, we also released a report entitled Consultation overview - October 2024 [PDF 1.6 MB] on the activities that were held and community input that was gathered.

Project overview

Hydro‑Québec is proposing to build a 735/120‑kV substation in Sainte‑Julienne. We wish to foster the development of the Lanaudière region, which has seen record population growth coupled with sustained economic growth over the past 30 years.

A power system at maximum capacity

The power system has met the needs of the Lanaudière region over the past century. Today, however, some of the high-voltage lines and substations in the region are operating at full capacity. To continue supplying the region with electricity, the system will have to evolve. For more information, we invite you to watch the following video [In French only].

Length : 1 minutes, 06 seconds

Watch the long version [In French only]This link will open a new window. This link will redirect you to an external site.

Contact us

Info‑Project Line: 1 866‑388‑1978

Marie‑Annick Gariépy
Advisor – Community Relations

Impacts of the energy transition on the power system

The transmission system will have to evolve in the years ahead as electricity needs increase due to population growth and the changes brought about by the energy transition. Transportation electrification is just one example of the changes that will boost electricity consumption.

Why a new substation?

  • To significantly increase the capacity of the transmission system that supplies electricity to the northern and central Lanaudière region.
  • To avoid adding infrastructure in the area. (The proposed substation will solve a number of challenges.)
  • To make the region’s transmission infrastructure more robust.

What are the benefits for the population of Sainte‑Julienne and the surrounding area?

Continued ability to meet local needs

The new substation will reduce the load on Magnan substation, which is currently stretched to the limit. If we do not act soon, the current capacity of the system could hinder local development.

Reduced risk of a major power outage

The proposed substation, located near the Magnan substation in Sainte‑Julienne, will serve as a new power source for the region. By securing the power supply in Lanaudière, it will reduce the likelihood of a major power outage for Hydro‑Québec’s 18,000 clients in Chertsey, Rawdon, Sainte‑Julienne, Saint‑Esprit, Saint‑Alexis and Saint‑Jacques.

Support for community initiatives

Through its Integrated Enhancement Program, Hydro‑Québec will provide funding to the municipality of Sainte‑Julienne for initiatives chosen by the public. Funding will take the form of a lump sum allocated with the substation project. In 2018, Sainte‑Julienne [In French only]This link will redirect you to an external site. inaugurated a new skating rink in Parc Quatre‑Vents after benefiting from the program as part of the 735 kV Chamouchouane‑Bout‑de‑l'Île project.

Project schedule

  • Project presentation Winter 2022‑2023
  • Consultations Spring 2023
  • Presentation of optimized project Fall 2023
  • Government approvals 2024‑2025
  • Clearing and construction 2026‑2029
  • Commissioning 2028‑2029

Other projects underway in Lanaudière

The addition of Jean‑Jacques‑Archambault substation will enable us to integrate new transmission equipment onto the grid. To learn more about the distinct projects: