Work to rebuild Marie-Victorin substation and convert the voltage to 120/25 kV

Project description

To meet the growing demand for electricity in downtown Longueuil and because the substation has reached the end of its service life, Hydro‑Québec is conducting draft-design studies to rebuild the substation and convert the voltage to 120/25 kV. Located on Rue Saint-Charles Ouest, at the intersection of Boulevard Lafayette, the new substation will supply power to 12,500 customers in Longueuil, on Île Sainte-Hélène and on Île Notre-Dame for the next 50 years.

The project involves the construction of a new substation near the current one, which will then be dismantled.

Studies underway

In the coming months, an analysis of the location and discussions with stakeholders will guide the process to design the project with the fewest social, environmental and economic impacts.

Impacts of the work and mitigation measures

Hydro-Québec will work with stakeholders to establish measures to limit the project’s impacts and provide information on key project phases.

Some images of the future hydroelectric station

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Public participation

Hydro‑Québec will consult the public and stakeholders so the substation is integrated into the local environment as seamlessly as possible. Invitations to take part in the consultations will be issued in fall 2022.

Current Marie-Victorin substation – Summer 2019 (Hydro‑Québec)

Work schedule


Analysis of the study area and location selection


Engineering work


Construction work




Dismantling of the former substation

More information

Info-project line
1 877 653-1139

Philippe Cyr
Advisor – Community Relations

Video : Qu’est‑ce qu’un poste électrique et comment ça fonctionne ? (in French only)

Duration : 4 minutes 41 seconds