Request regarding work or a servitude near transmission lines

Select the form that fits your situation
To do work of any kind in a transmission right-of-way (the strip of cleared land on either side of the line), you must obtain permission from Hydro-Québec.
Request regarding work near a transmission line -
Once the project is authorized and the agreement is signed by the applicant and Hydro-Québec, the contractor overseeing the project must fill out the form below to obtain safety instructions for work near transmission lines, in accordance with the regulations set out by the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et sécurité au travail (CNESST).
Request the document “Intervention près des lignes électriques de transport” -
Questions regarding rights and servitudes associated with Hydro-Québec transmission rights-of-way, requests for revocation or reduction of a Hydro-Québec servitude, or renewal of an agreement for use of a Hydro-Québec servitude or property.
Request regarding rights and servitudes associated with transmission rights-of-way - See other topics in the “Contact Us” page.