Demand Response (DR) Option

Email list for event notifications

This form enables Demand Response (DR) customers to update the email list to which peak demand event notifications will be sent.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.


    Information on the person making the request

    NOTE: Only the following individuals may make modifications related to the Demand Response Option: an account manager, a contract holder or joint contract holder, or a duly authorized representative.

    You must be authorized to manage the account and change the rate.

    You are

    You are not authorized to request to sign up for the Demand Response (DR) Option or update DR account information. Here are your options:

    • Ask the account manager or the contract holder or joint contract holder to submit the request.
    • Ask the account manager or the contract holder or joint contract holder to designate you as a proxy holder by filling out the proxy form. Once that request is processed, you will be able to fill out this form (allow for processing time).

    If no one has been designated as account manager or as contract holder or joint contract holder, your company must first designate someone.

    Update the email list

    NOTE: The email list you submit via this form will replace any previous email lists associated with your account.


    As the account manager contract holder or joint contract holder or the duly authorized representative of:

    I, the undersigned,

    Note: We recommend that you add a cell phone number to your file so that we can more easily verify your identity using text messages (SMS).

    NOTE: It may take up to ten (10) business days to process your request. Until the updates have been made, you must notify the individuals within your company when a peak demand event occurs.

    REMINDER: The email list you submit via this form will replace any previous email lists associated with your account.