After several days of difficult progress in steep terrain, Caroline was tired and suffering from ankle pain by the time she made it to Bersimis-1.

Once there, she consulted remotely with a doctor (telemedicine – see the Expedition prep video [French only]This link will redirect you to an external site.), who provided advice about caring for her feet. Fortunately, it was nothing serious, and the doctor gave her the green light to keep going. Forty days into the expedition, Caroline needed some well-deserved rest.

Together, Caroline and Samuel, the expedition leader, decided that she needed to take a few days off before continuing her adventure.

They took advantage of this time to go over the rest of her itinerary, and Caroline received invaluable advice from Hydro-Québec employees who are very familiar with the area. Caroline and Samuel also tested out some new equipment to help her cross rivers. Most importantly, Caroline was able to spend a few warm nights indoors and regain her strength.

Duration : 1 minutes 16 seconds

Halfway into week six of the expedition, once her body was well rested and her spirits lifted by the encouraging messages she received on the Web site and on social media (FacebookThis link will redirect you to an external site. and InstagramThis link will redirect you to an external site.) Caroline set off towards Saguenay.

Thank you! Your words of encouragement are incredibly appreciated. I am now ready to continue my mission!

For a few days now, Caroline has trekked through the forest alone and is moving at a good pace. Next on the list of objectives: Mount Vallin, where she will arrive sometime next week and be able to pick up more supplies. Go, Caro, go!

Natashquan Montréal


Le contenu qui suit est un diaporama d’images sur : Les normes

  • View zoom of Poste Micoua hélicoptère
  • View zoom of Poste Micoua un monteur se prépare
  • View zoom of Poste Micoua - ascension du monteur de ligne
  • View zoom of Poste Micoua journée de rencontre
  • View zoom of Poste Micoua monteur de ligne en action
  • View zoom of Manic 5 barrage Daniel-Johnson
  • May 10 – Bersimis-1 generating station – Samuel brought new equipment for river crossings.
  • May 10 – Bersimis-1 generating station – Caroline studies the river she is about to cross.
  • May 10 – Bersimis-1 generating station – The adventurer is ready to try out her new wetsuit.
  • May 10 – Bersimis-1 generating station – Dedicated expedition leader Samuel doesn’t think twice before jumping into the water to test out the equipment.
  • May 10 – Bersimis-1 generating station – Success! The equipment will work well for the next leg of the expedition.
  • May 10 – Bersimis-1 generating station – The adventurer is ready to set off for Saguenay.
May 10 – Bersimis-1 generating station – Samuel brought new equipment for river crossings.