The Cedars Rapids Transmission Limited (CRT) starts construction on Les Cèdres generating station, the largest hydropower facility in Québec at the time of commissioning in 1915. The Aluminium Company of America (ALCOA) had signed an agreement with CMPC to purchase 55 MW of power over an 85-year period. ALCOA created Cedars Rapids Transmission Co. Ltd. (CRT) to transmit electricity from the new generating station to their Massena, N.Y., aluminum smelter.


On January 15, the 85-year contract comes into effect, and the line is ready to transmit electricity from Les Cèdres. CRT operates a 120-kV double-circuit line extending 72 km along the Fleuve Saint-Laurent (St. Lawrence River) (29.8 km in Québec and 42.2 km in Ontario). While most North American utilities generally lease the land on which their lines run, CRT owns its right-of-way, from the generating station all the way to the U.S. border.


In December, Hydro-Québec buys all of CRT's stock from ALCOA Securities, thereby indirectly acquiring the 85-year contract between CRT and ALCOA. Hydro-Québec also takes over all previously signed contracts and agreements, at the same time protecting itself against any potential increases in transmission rates.


CRT's Les Cèdres–Cornwall power line, having reached the end of its useful life, is dismantled and replaced with a new 230-kV line (now operated at 120 kV).


The new line, built within the existing right-of-way, is commissioned in January 2004 and the old one is dismantled.