Contribute to the safety of all

We work hard to make sure our equipment is safe, but we need your help to avoid accidents! Preventing electric shocks and accidents is easy: you just need to know where the danger is and keep your distance. Take a few minutes to find out more and you could help prevent accidents.

Because CRT is a first-tier Hydro-Québec subsidiary, it applies the same safety criteria:

Permission and property rights

For any type of work or development in a transmission right-of-way, first approval must be obtained from CRT and an agreement (lease or permission) must be signed.

Before starting a project in a cleared corridor beneath a line (the right-of-way), check what is prohibited and what is allowed. Even if something is allowed, you must obtain authorization from CRT before any type of work gets underway.

Work that involves the use of a right-of-way (lease or permission) on CRT land must guarantee:

  • unrestricted access to electrical equipment
  • compliance with CRT’s property rights
  • compliance with safety standards
  • compliance with power line operating requirements

When the project involves the leasing of CRT property, the agreement will be in the form of a lease (rent based on the land rental policy).

When the project involves an application to use a right-of-way to carry out work, a technical analysis must be conducted in order to issue a permission (where applicable).

All work must comply with any applicable laws and regulations, including municipal by-laws.

Administrative fees and delays

Administrative fees generally apply for any request that requires the intervention of various CRT representatives.

You must pay any applicable administrative, notary and land surveying fees as well as standard fees for this type of transaction. These fees will be billed at market value.

Application processing time varies from one case to the next. It is best to provide all of the information required in order to avoid processing delays.

For further information, contact us.