Construction of an Underground 120-kV Line in Gatineau (Hull Sector)

The Government of Canada is modernizing the thermal power plants that provide heating for 80 buildings and air‑conditioning for 67 federal buildings in the National Capital Region.

As part of this project, Hydro‑Québec has been commissioned to build a new underground power transmission line between Gamelin substation and a future thermal power plant for Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), on Boulevard Sacré‑Coeur.

The underground line will be roughly 5 km long with a voltage of 120 kilovolts (kV).

Construction will begin in winter 2024. Commissioning of the line is planned for spring 2025.

More information about the Government of Canada’s project.This link will redirect you to an external site.

Completion schedule

  • Discussions with stakeholders September 2021 to December 2023
  • Communication with the general public Winter 2024 to summer 2024
  • Construction of the line Winter 2024 to summer 2024
  • Associated work at Gamelin substation Fall 2023 to summer 2024
  • Commissioning Spring 2025

Contact us

Info-Project line
1 800 388‑1978

Caroline Milliard
Advisor – Community Relations