Construction of an Underground 120-kV Line in Gatineau (Hull Sector)
Route and work
To determine the route with the least impact, Hydro‑Québec carried out environmental and technical surveys in the study area.
They also met with a number of stakeholders, including representatives from the city of Gatineau, to gather their input and ensure consistency with the work planned by the municipality in this area, in the short and medium terms.
Hydro‑Québec developed the route for the future line based on the recommendations and constraints raised at these meetings, in order to limit the impacts on the environment as much as possible.
Study area and route
To build the line, Hydro‑Québec will install an underground concrete bank along the entire length of the route. This bank will be buried under public roads for the vast majority of the line’s route. Hydro‑Québec will obtain the required rights and authorizations from the owner(s) of any land that may be affected by the route.
Underground line construction steps
- Excavation of a 1‑m wide trench about 1.5 m from the sidewalk
- Construction of concrete duct banks roughly 1.5 m deep
- Backfilling and paving of the trenches as the work progresses
- Installation of prefabricated underground splice vaults
- Cable pulling, junction completion, and electrical testing
- Final backfilling of the splice vaults and restoration of surfaces
- Traffic redirected based on the work on a given segment
- Removal of parking spaces in the affected section
- Noise from machinery during certain manoeuvres
Mitigation measures
- Notices sent to customers directly affected by the work
- Information signs announcing upcoming closures
- Appropriate signage at the work site
- Uninterrupted access to residences and businesses at all times – local traffic only
- Uninterrupted access to vehicle entrances and driveways – local traffic only
- Presence of flag people to facilitate traffic around the site
- Site fencing to separate the work area from pedestrian walkways, if applicable
Note: No service interruption is anticipated as part of this work.