Bryson generating station was built in 1924 and 1925. It is located in Bryson on the Grand Calumet channel of the Rivière des Outaouais (Ottawa River). This run-of-river generating station has an installed capacity of 61 megawatts (MW).

To ensure the generating station’s continued operation, Hydro-Québec is planning a partial refurbishment of three generating units, as well as various improvements to the station building.

Technical and environmental studies

Hydro-Québec has conducted detailed technical and environmental studies to determine the project’s specific features, become thoroughly familiar with the host environment identify the environmental impacts and suggest appropriate mitigation measures.

The main environmental and social considerations related to the project are as  follows:

  • Fish habitat
  • Presence of special-status plant and animal species
  • Truck traffic and its impact on the quality of life of local residents


Installation of temporary modules

Start of refurbishment of the first generating unit

Winter 2020‑2021 – spring 2021

Refurbishment of the second generating unit

Station building upgrades

Refurbishment of the third generating unit 2023