Project summary
- Integrate the output from the increased capacity of existing generating stations.
- Enable the development of renewables in the region.
- Support the region’s industrial development.
- Improve grid resilience and reliability in the face of increasingly intense weather events.
- Phase 1: Build a 735-kV substation and relocate existing 735-kV lines.
- Phase 2: Build a 735-kV line extending for approximately 160 km and relocate existing lines.
- Phase 1: 2031
- Phase 2: 2035
Project schedule
Phase 1
Draft design phase: Technical studies, environmental assessment, public consultation
Government approvals
Work: Clearing and construction
Phase 2
To be confirmed
To reach us
We’re very keen on keeping the lines of communication open. Please send us your questions and comments about the project.
Cathy Hamel
Advisor – Communications and Communities
Info-Project line: 1 866 388‑1978
Yannick Charette
Advisor – Relations with First Nations and Inuit
Info-Project line: 1 418 294‑9988 ext. 2121
Reinforcing the main transmission system – Côte‑Nord [in French only]
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