June 2023 update: draft-design studies resume in light of new data
In early 2023, Hydro‑Québec re-evaluated energy needs and the best ways to optimize the entire transmission and distribution system in the Outaouais region. Once these analyses were done, the company resumed the draft-design studies for a new substation in Val‑des‑Monts, which it had temporarily put on hold, taking into account revised needs.
Project overview
To meet the future demand for electricity in the region and improve the reliability and quality of the power system, Hydro-Québec began, in fall 2020, to carry out draft-design studies for the construction of a new 120/25-kV substation in Val‑des‑Monts.
To supply the substation, which will be located on Chemin de la Savane, a 4.7 km-long, 120-kV tap line will be built from a starting point in Val‑des‑Bois on the transmission line that connects High Falls and Notre‑Dame‑du‑Laus substations.
Once the substation and supply line are commissioned in 2026, La Lièvre substation, whose equipment has reached the end of its service life, will be dismantled.
A project for the region
- Meet the growing demand for electricity.
- Improve the reliability and quality of the power system.
- Replace equipment that is nearly 60 years old.
Overview of the process and next steps
In the previous steps of this project, Hydro‑Québec conducted inventories of the biophysical and human environments to better understand the host environment for the planned equipment.
Based on its inventories and technical, economic and environmental criteria, Hydro‑Québec proposed a site for the substation and two routes for the supply line.
Hydro‑Québec also held information and consultation sessions with various stakeholders in fall 2021, during which a preferred line route was identified. Additional sessions will be held in fall 2023 once ongoing data analysis is completed to gather further feedback and concerns from the community.
The outcomes of these discussions, combined with the technical, economic and environmental studies, will be used to optimize the lowest-impact solution first proposed, where necessary.
Project schedule
December 2023
Information on the solution selected
Construction of the substation and line
Dismantling of La Lièvre substation