Rebuilding of the 69‑kV transmission line between Cap‑aux‑Meules and Grosse‑Île

Hydro-Québec has defined a study area approximately 200 m wide on both sides of the existing line, extending over a distance of 46 km between Cap-aux-Meules and Grosse-Île substations.

The study area mainly follows the right-of-way of Route 199 or secondary roads, passing through residential and resort areas and dune environments that link the islands of the archipelago.

Hydro-Québec is committed to taking into account the natural and human environments, as well as the landscapes likely to be affected by the project in order to limit its impacts.

Environmental and technical challenges

Based on a preliminary assessment of available data and environmental characteristics, the main technical and environmental challenges associated with the line reconstruction are:

  • The small size of the territory, which leaves few alternative route options
  • The presence of several sensitive environments and species
  • Shoreline erosion
  • Extreme weather conditions
  • The visual integration of the line in the landscape
  • The impact of the work on traffic, particularly during the tourist season
Existing line to be rebuilt