Construction of a 120/25‑kV substation in Coteau‑du‑Lac and a supply line

A favorable reception from local communities is one of the three essential conditions for Hydro‑Québec projects. When developing each new project, the company seeks to balance the impacts associated with the three pillars of sustainable development: social, environmental and economic aspects.

Hydro‑Québec’s public participation and consultation process is a crucial part of these efforts. It is a way for the company to take into account the concerns and expectations expressed by the general public and key stakeholders, in order to adapt the project to local realities to the greatest extent possible.

Public participation

In summer 2022, Hydro‑Québec informed residents in the study area of the upcoming project and met community representatives to learn more about the project’s host community.

In February 2023, Hydro‑Québec presented the public and regional stakeholders the line routes under study. Based on the comments and suggestions they shared, it is now pursuing its analyses with a view to enhance the project.

In May 2023, Hydro‑Québec hosted another public consultation with local residents to present the results of its analyses, gather their comments and concerns regarding the line route variants and include them in its analysis whenever possible.

In July 2023, Hydro‑Québec determined the most advantageous line route variant from a technical, environmental and social perspective and announced its decision to the public.

Hydro‑Québec will inform the public once the exact location of the substation, within the Alta industrial park, and the route of the substation’s tap line are determined.

Finally, it will obtain the necessary government approvals and permits to carry out the project.

Through this process, Hydro‑Québec wants to ensure that the community participates in the development of the lower-impact project. In the meantime, you can send us your questions and feedback about the project. Our contract information is provided at the bottom of the page.

See the Solution Selected Bulletin – Summer 2023 [PDF 760 KB]

Support for community development

Hydro‑Québec wants its projects to be opportunities to actively participate in the development of host communities and set up the Integrated Enhancement Program (IEP) with this in mind.

Through the IEP, Hydro‑Québec grants funds to eligible organizations based on the length of the lines and area of the planned substations.

Frequently asked questions

Info-Project – Construction of a 120/25‑kV substation in Coteau‑du‑Lac and a supply line (in French only)

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1 877 653 1139

Community Relations

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