Construction of a 120/25‑kV substation in Coteau‑du‑Lac and a supply line

Line route selected

Several line route variants were studied in order to connect the planned substation to its connection point on the existing 120‑kV Langlois‑Vaudreuil‑Soulanges line.

Following the consultations, Hydro‑Québec identified the line route variants with the least impact in each municipality. Efforts to optimize the selected solution will continue until the project is completed.

Variant selected for the municipality of Coteau‑du‑Lac

In the municipality of Coteau‑du‑Lac, the new 120‑kV line will start at the site of the substation (exact location to be determined) in the Alta industrial park and run east along the north side of the CN railway tracks, crossing route 201, the Rivière Rouge and Chemin Saint-Emmanuel and eventually reaching the right-of-way of the existing 735‑kV line.

Variant selected for the municipality of Les Cèdres

The line will head southeast along the right-of-way of the existing 735‑kV line, crossing the CN railway tracks, highway 20 and Chemin Saint-Dominique and eventually meeting up with the Cedars Rapids Transmission (CRT) power line near Chemin du Canal. The new line will then run east between the 735‑kV line and the CRT line for about 6 km, turning north after crossing Chemin Saint-Féréol and then running along the existing Langlois‑Vaudreuil‑Soulanges line to the connection point on Hydro‑Québec property.

Line length by municipality:

  • Coteau‑du‑Lac: 5 km
  • Les Cèdres: 9.4 km

Substation site

120/25‑kV Saint‑Polycarpe substation is similar to the projected substation

The substation will be sited in the Alta industrial park for the following reasons:

  • Proximity to customers to be supplied with electricity
  • Strategic location with respect to other substations in the region
  • Nature of the soil
  • Industrial character of the area (no encroachment on farmland)

Hydro‑Québec is continuing its analyses to determine the exact location of the substation. The information will be made public and the project team will meet with the community once the site of the substation and the line segment needed to reach it are determined.

Study area

Hydro‑Québec has defined a study area within which it will identify the site for the substation and the line route with the least impact. The study area considers all the biophysical and human elements that are likely to be affected by the project. Covering some 108 km2, the entire area is located in the Montérégie administrative region, on the banks of the Fleuve Saint-Laurent (St. Lawrence River), within in the municipal boundaries of Coteau‑du‑Lac and Les Cèdres.

The study area includes the Alta industrial park, in which the new substation will be located, and is mainly in farmland with sugar bushes and extensive cropland. It also includes the Soulanges canal, a golf course, some equestrian farms, campgrounds and ATV and snowmobile trails. Several waterways and some potential wetlands have also been identified.

Environmental studies

Hydro‑Québec will conduct detailed environmental inventories in summer 2023 to learn more about the host environment and to continue to improve the project and limit its impacts.

The environmental inventories will make it possible to characterize wetlands and aquatic environments, assess the presence of special status plant and wildlife species, and check land use and presence of archaeological sites. These data will be used to determine appropriate mitigation measures and in seeking the necessary government approvals to build the line and the substation.

Info-Project – Construction of a 120/25‑kV substation in Coteau‑du‑Lac and a supply line (in French only)

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