Hochelaga substation and underground transmission lines

BAPE public information period: February 12 to March 14, 2025
BAPE public information session: February 24, 2025 at 7:30 p.m.
The updated environmental impact study and all documents related to the project’s
environmental assessment have been available for consultation on the website of the Ministère
de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
since fall 2024. Hydro-Québec is awaiting the Ministry’s directives for the next steps in connection
with the review process of the Bureau d’audiences publiques en environnement (BAPE). (In French only)
Project overview
Over the past few years, Mercier–Hochelaga‑Maisonneuve has been experiencing rapid growth. Large-scale projects–housing co‑ops, the renovation of the Olympic facilities, the Faubourg Contrecoeur and Cours Lafontaine residential developments—attest to the borough’s dynamism. Other projects are in the works as well, notably in the designated development areas of Assomption Nord and Assomption Sud–Longue-Pointe.
Given this context, Hydro‑Québec needs to upgrade the power grid to meet current and future customer needs. To counter the obsolescence of the transmission system and meet the growing electricity demand on the island of Montréal, Hydro‑Québec is gradually replacing its 120‑kilovolt (kV) facilities with new, higher capacity, 315‑kV equipment.
Right now, the borough is largely supplied by Longue-Pointe and Jeanne-d’Arc substations, commissioned in 1957 and 1959 respectively. While both continue to provide reliable service to the areas they serve, some of their equipment is at the end of its service life and needs replacing.
To take the pressure off these two substations and support the borough’s long‑term residential, commercial and industrial development, Hydro‑Québec plans to build a 315/25 kV transformer substation and install underground transmission lines. The substation’s proposed site is at the corner of Boulevard de L’Assomption and Rue Hochelaga, while the two underground lines that are to supply the new facility will run for some 5 km between it and the existing Notre‑Dame substation.
These upgrades will increase transmission system capacity and improve its flexibility and reliability.
Selected Solution
Further to concerns raised by the community regarding the preservation of green spaces, the location of the new substation has been moved from the Boisé Steinberg to a lot at the corner of Rue Hochelaga and Boulevard de l’Assomption.
The open house in pictures
On November 29, 2023, Hydro‑Québec welcomed the public to meet its representatives to learn about the project at an open house held at the Centre de formation Productions Jeun’Est. Our thanks go out to everyone who took part. Here is a look back at the event.
Project schedule
Pre-consultation and presentation of the projectWinter 2017 – Fall 2018
Project consultationsWinter 2019 – Fall 2022
Chosen solution and mitigation measuresSpring – Fall 2023
Tabling of the Environmental Impact StatementFall 2024
Government approvals2024–2025
Construction phase2026–2029
Commissioning of substation and lines2029
We’d like to hear from you!
We want to establish a dialogue with you. Send us your questions and comments about the project!