With each new project, Hydro‑Québec strives to balance the three pillars of sustainable development: environmental, economic and social sustainability. Part of this process includes maintaining a dialogue with local residents throughout the study phase. This way, the company can take into account the concerns and expectations of the public and key stakeholders and adapt our public participation program to local realities.

Starting in 2017, Hydro‑Québec began informing and consulting with local authorities, the borough’s elected officials and various target groups, as well as taking part in consultations organized by the Ville de Montréal. These initial encounters provided us with comments, suggestions and information on key concerns, all of which will help us better prepare for the consultations to come.

Since July 2019, the project notification, ministerial guidelines and the preliminary environmental impact assessment have been available on the website of the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs at www.ree.environnement.gouv.qc.caThis link will redirect you to an external site.. Note: A new version of the environmental impact assessment that takes into account the substation’s new location will soon be available.

Following the project modifications announced by Hydro‑Québec in fall 2022, elected officials and community representatives welcomed the new location for the substation; there were no major comments about the line routes of the two underground lines. The people we met were more concerned about the substation’s visual impact on its surroundings, with some environmental groups wanting a different solution. The project team remains available to meet with all people and groups who are interested in the project.

We’d like to hear from you!

We want to establish a dialogue with you. Send us your questions and comments about the project!

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