Montérégie–Sainte-Rosalie 120-kV line

Project description

Hydro-Québec will build a new 120-kV power line over a distance of approximately 12 km from Montérégie substation to the intersection of another 120-kV line located in Saint-Dominique. The future line will make it possible to supply more energy to Sainte-Rosalie substation.

Two transformers will be added to Sainte-Rosalie substation to increase its capacity. Work will be done in and around the Sainte-Rosalie and Montérégie substations to complete the upgrade of the 120-kV regional system.

Moreover, the 49-kV lines that start from Sainte-Rosalie substation, as well as Maska substation in Saint-Hyacinthe and Sainte-Hélène substation in Sainte-Hélène-de-Bagot, no longer have the capacity to meet to growing demand. Their future is currently the subject of analysis.

49-kV Saint‑Hyacinthe line – 2017 (Hydro‑Québec)

A project for the region

  • Meet the growing demand for electricity.
  • Improve the reliability and quality of the power system.

Work schedule

  • Public participation 2022-2023
  • Environmental inventories 2022-2023
  • Permitting 2023-2025
  • Work 2024-2026
  • Commissioning 2026

Project background

Increase in electricity demand

In recent years, the increasing number of industrial parks and large residential projects being developed in the Saint‑Hyacinthe area have resulted in a high demand for electricity. In fact, since 1998, Hydro‑Québec has recorded a 31% increase in the load on its system, an average increase of approximately 1.2% per year. Electrical facilities are currently operating at full capacity.

Reliability and modernization of the regional transmission system

The electricity supply to the city of Saint‑Hyacinthe and its surroundings comes mainly from the 735/120‑kV Montérégie substation located in Sainte‑Cécile‑de‑Milton. Two 120/25‑kV substations, Casavant and Sainte-Rosalie, supply the energy needed for the distribution system that supplies customers located in the MRC des Maskoutains. These two substations no longer have sufficient capacity to handle the increasing load without compromising service reliability for customers.

As a result, Hydro‑Québec must reinforce the power supply to this area to meet future development needs.

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Location and status