Montérégie–Sainte-Rosalie 120-kV line


In the spring of 2022, Hydro-Québec consulted regional stakeholders to hear their opinions on electricity needs and sensitive elements in the environment and explain how it carries out its projects. The consultation highlighted the need to further involve the community to benefit from its knowledge of the territory and give people the chance to express their comments and concerns earlier.

This is why Hydro-Québec is committed to maintaining ongoing discussions with host communities at each stage of the project.

Public participation

Hydro-Québec will take the community’s concerns into account throughout the project to determine the line route with the least impact.

In the fall of 2022, Hydro-Québec will propose one or more routes in the study area of the future line. It will also meet with residents to discuss their concerns and gather information about the environment.

Discussions like these are invaluable. They help us increase our knowledge of the community and the territory. This type of collaboration makes it possible to design the most appropriate solutions that strike a balance between the three pillars of sustainable development, namely social, environmental and economic aspects.

Frequently asked questions

Contact us

We’d committed to keeping the lines of communication open! Please send us your questions and comments about the project.

Info-Project line

1 877 653-1139


Véronique Lamarre
Advisor – Community Relations