Anjou Substation and 315-kV Transmission Line
Let’s talk!
Thank you for your questions and suggestions!
Thanks to all those who sent us their questions, suggestions and comments.
Beginning in early November, we issued public notices in local media and on social media and mailed out close to 2,000 letters.
As our online public consultation is now finished, the team is examining the comments received with a view to improving the project.
We will be sharing more information in the coming months in order to present the various solutions selected. See you soon!
When developing new projects, Hydro‑Québec strives to balance the three pillars of sustainable development: environmental, economic and social sustainability. Part of this process includes implementing a public participation plan in order to establish a dialogue with local residents throughout the study phase. By taking into account the concerns and expectations of both the public and local stakeholders, we can best adapt our projects to local realities.
Starting in spring 2019, Hydro‑Québec began informing and consulting with local authorities, elected officials and various target groups. These initial encounters provided us with comments, suggestions and information on key concerns, all of which will help us better prepare for the upcoming consultations.
Since November 2019, the project notice and the government directive have been made available on the site of the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, at the following address:
To date, we have received positive feedback from local representatives and elected officials about the replacement of two lines by a single line and the reuse of the existing right‑of‑way. The main concern of the individuals we met with has been the visual integration of the substation. Some representatives of environmental groups want various enhancements to be planned.
The project team remains available to meet other groups or individuals interested in the project.

Contact us
Info-project line
514 385-8888, extension 3462
Jonathan Laporte
Advisor – Community Relations – Montreal