Pierre‑Laporte substation and the new 230‑kV supply line

Hydro‑Québec plans to convert Cleveland substation, located in Granby, and build a transmission line between Montérégie substation and the new substation (Pierre‑Laporte). The project is part of the plan to upgrade the Estrie power system in order to continue meeting the region’s electricity needs.

In real terms, the project involves:

  • Building the 120‑kV Pierre‑Laporte substation in Granby (thus replacing the existing Cleveland substation)
  • Building a 230‑kV transmission line between Montérégie substation (Sainte‑Cécile‑de‑Milton) and Pierre‑Laporte substation (Granby). The new line will initially operate at 120 kV
  • Carrying out work within the current boundaries of Montérégie substation
  • Dismantling Cleveland substation
  • Reconfiguring the power lines near the future Pierre‑Laporte substation


Our project manager provides an overview of the project (in French only).

Duration: 6 minutes 57 seconds

Location of Pierre‑Laporte substation

The future substation must accommodate both the new 230‑kV transmission line and the equipment needed to reinforce the grid to meet regional needs.

The selected site is adjacent to Cleveland substation on a lot owned by Hydro‑Québec, situated at the southeast corner of Rue Bergeron Est and Boulevard Pierre‑Laporte.

The site meets the project’s significant technical requirements and, as the point of convergence of the regional power lines, is ideally situated to minimize the impact of reconfiguring the existing lines.

Line route variant under study

The new transmission line will connect Montérégie substation and the new Pierre‑Laporte substation.

  • The double‑circuit line will bear 13 cables.
  • It will consist of steel lattice towers with an average height between 45 m and 55 m.

Our goal is to determine the line route that best meets the project’s technical needs while minimizing the impacts on the surrounding environment and community.

The meetings and consultation activities held as of fall 2023 (see the Public consultation tab for details), which were well attended by local organizations and community members, enabled us to discuss concerns and receive suggestions regarding different line route options.

These preliminary steps in the consultation and environmental assessment processes have led to the establishment of a new line route that addresses the main issues brought to light by the meetings.

Map: Line route variants under study

Map of the line route variants under study for the Pierre-Laporte substation

Download the map of the line route variants under study [PDF 237 kB - in French only]

Bulletin – Selected line route variant [PDF 805 kB - in French only]

Project schedule

  • Preliminary consultations Fall 2023
  • Public consultations Spring to fall 2024
  • Announcement of the optimized project Fall 2024
  • Government approvals 2025‑2026
  • Construction 2027‑2028
  • Commissionning of the new substation and line 2028

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