Subscribe to our newsletters!

Subscribe to our newsletters to find out more about our products and services, youth initiatives, projects, construction work and more!

Newsletter for residential customers

The newsletter for residential customers provides energy efficiency tips to help households use electricity at the right time and save on their bill, as well as information on all our activities and personalized offers.

Subscribeto Residential customers newsletter

Newsletter for business customers [in French only]

The newsletter for business customers details our programs and tools and provides energy efficiency tips to help businesses adopt strategies to be more energy wise and save money.

Subscribeto Business customers newsletter [in French only]

Newsletter for teachers

The newsletter for teachers presents the free tools created for Québec educators: downloadable materials, contests, games for students and tours adapted to curriculums.

Subscribeto Teachers newsletter

Investor relations newsletter

Published four to six times a year, the investor relations newsletter covers all the latest investor news, especially regarding the release of the annual and quarterly reports.

Subscribeto Investor relations newsletter

Subscription profile

Here is where you can manage your subscription, change your language of correspondence and select your topics of interest.

Go to your Subscription profile page