Account manager
Appoint an account manager to act as your company’s authorized representative for all your accounts.
To facilitate communication with Hydro-Québec, you must appoint an account manager. Unlike proxy holders, whose actions are more limited, account managers have full access to services for all your business needs. Account managers can also add or change the confidential information in your company’s file.
It will be easy for the account manager to deal directly with Hydro-Québec and, if necessary, to access your company’s account directly via their Customer Space. The account manager can also designate an authorized person to manage account authorizations.
Do you manage a company’s account?
If a company has designated you to be their account manager and you would like to manage the account online, you can add it to your Customer Space. You’ll need a recent bill associated with the company’s account. Then, you’ll be able to access it at any time.