
(population by community place of residence age groupfamiliestestimonials)


Age group


The dominant feature of the Cree population is its youth. The number of children per family is tending to decrease, however. Though the Cree population remains young compared to that of Québec as a whole, 36% of the Cree population were under 15 years of age in 2001, compared to 46% in 1971. In 2003, according to the CHRD (2005), this age group made up 34% of the population.


Age Pyramids for the Cree and Québec Populations – 1971-2001

Note: The 2001 data indicates Crees who are beneficiaries of the JBNQA and reside in Cree communities.Source: Crees: SEBJ, 1978, and the Quebec Department of Health and Social Services, Register of Cree beneficiaries of the JBNQA, 2001. Québec: Statistics Canada, 1971 and 2001 censuses.



Cree PopulationLiving in Communitites be Age Group - 2003
Source: Register of Cree beneficiaries of the JBNQA, 2003.

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