Request for work
Request for work
Due to a high volume of requests for work, it could take longer than usual to process requests and carry out work.
We apologize for any inconvenience resulting from this exceptional situation. Please allow for extra time and submit your requests for work in advance, if possible.
- Find out the approximate lead times for connection to the grid for supply of less than 5 MVA depending on the region where work will be carried out.
To track the status of a request, click on Tracking the status of a request and enter your confirmation or form number into the box on the form.
Is there something you’d like to install on a pole? Examples of authorized objects are road signs, construction signs, traffic lights, posters (electoral or other) and banners.
There are rules in effect to ensure public safety and access to poles by line workers.
Use the form to request authorization. [PDF 4.42 Mo – in French only]