Efficient Solutions Program Upgrade or replace your equipment and systems for less!
Receive substantial financial support and benefit from recurring savings on your electricity bill when you optimize your business’ energy performance.
Overview of the Efficient Solutions Program
Learn more about our financial support program to support Québec businesses that want to carry out projects to improve their energy performance.
Video of 1 minute 01 seconds
Financial support tailored to your project
Tangible benefits
Install energy-efficient equipment in your buildings at a competitive price
Make a worthwhile investment while lowering your electricity bill
Meet or exceed current environmental standards
Read up on some of the program projects and see how you could benefit.
See examples of projectsThe OSE tool simplifies the process
Use the OSE tool to calculate the financial support you could receive and send in your request in just a few clicks. You’ll also find information on eligible products, equipment and systems.
Frequently asked questions
Energy efficiency is all about using Québec’s resources wisely. The idea is to use less energy to receive an identical or similar service. In other words, we use and waste less energy to meet the same need through measures to recover energy losses or rely on more energy-efficient equipment.
The Efficient Solutions Program is open to businesses with one or more commercial, institutional, industrial or agricultural buildings that receive electricity from the Hydro-Québec grid or an eligible off-grid, municipal or cooperative system.
For the complete list of requirements, refer to the participant’s guides and the Conditions and Undertakings [PDF 98 kB – in French only].
First, consult the program’s different components (Energy Analysis, Small Businesses, Medium and Large Businesses, Farms) and the participant’s guides, which provide details on the requirements and steps to follow.
You can also work with an industry professional or get in touch with us for more information.
The Efficient Solutions Program offers financial support to carry out an energy analysis of one or more buildings and implement energy efficiency measures to lower your electricity bill or demand response measures to reduce the power demand of a building or process during peak demand events at Hydro-Québec’s request. Tailored to the needs of businesses in every sector, the program helps improve their energy performance and competitiveness.
We encourage specialists (consulting engineering firms, energy companies, contractors, etc.) to promote the program to their customers and recommend energy efficiency projects. All the details are available on the Partners and aggregators page.
The OSE tool is updated when modifications are made to program financial support to align with market needs. Some updates include new measures.