Funding for LED lighting products

Opt for more efficient LED lighting products. You'll significantly reduce your energy costs and benefit from funding!

Products that meet your needs

LED lighting for horticultural purposes (photosynthesis)


  • 30% to 50% in energy savings
  • Customizable light spectrum that can lead to improved crop quality
  • Increased yield per hectare
  • Longer service life


Eligible funding is determined based on and takes into account the amount of natural sunlight in a greenhouse or enclosed building.

Natural sunlight – In greenhouses: Funding of $40 to $500

No natural sunlight – In buildings: Funding of $80 to $1,000

LED lighting for general purposes


  • Energy savings of 20% to 70%
  • Less heat generated by the product
  • Longer service life


Funding for eligible LED lighting products for general purposes is determined as follows:

$5 per DLC-certified Standard lighting product

$40 per DLC-certified Premium lighting product

How to participate in the program

Make your project a reality by purchasing and installing eligible energy efficient products and systems. Then apply for funding in just a few clicks!

Read the Participant’s Guide

Before you start your project, make sure you understand the eligibility requirements and program terms and conditions.

Go to Participant’s Guide [PDF 146 kB – in French only]

Submit my request

Use the Efficient Solutions OSE tool to evaluate the amount of funding you could receive for your project and send in your application once the products are installed.

Important note:

  • The funding must total at least $100.
  • The program requirements were modified on October 7, 2024. If you began the application process prior that date, please refer to the transitional rules.
Submit my request

Carry out your project with a partner

You can also work with a partner (specialized company, equipment manufacturer, consulting engineering firm, etc.) that will support you in the process and provide all the required documents. Partners may also receive incentive compensation.


Our experts are available to discuss your energy efficiency project.

Get in touch with us

Other products that may be of interest


Increase productivity with high-efficiency fans.

Milking equipment 

Improve the quality of the milk by replacing your equipment.

Piglet warmers

Save by choosing energy-efficient models.

Innovative greenhouses

This module includes aerothermal and geothermal heat pumps and accumulation reservoirs.

See the offer

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