Types of meters

Communicating meter

Communicating meters are part of Hydro‑Québec’s basic service and are free for all customers. The main advantage of this technology is that the meter remotely forwards the electricity-use data to our systems.

In recent years, Hydro‑Québec has modernized its meter fleet. Over 3.9 million communicating meters have been connected to date, which is 98% of the total to be installed.

Advantages of the communicating meter

  • Your bills are based on your actual consumption rather than on estimates, as could happen with the old technology.
  • If your meter is indoors or hard to get to, you won’t have to be home to let a meter reader in.
  • You can monitor your electricity use and manage it wisely.
  • There are no installation or monthly meter‑reading fees.

Safe installation

The meters, which belong to Hydro‑Québec, and their installation must meet a set of technical requirements to be compliant and safe.

You must also ensure that the meter is accessible so that we can test it or replace it, if necessary.

Required height and clearance

The meter socket must be installed with the center of its opening 1.2 m to 1.6 m above finished floor/grade level (Section 6.3) or above a permanent platform (Section 5.11). Also, a clearance of at least 1 m free from any temporary or permanent obstruction must be provided in front of the metering equipment (Section 5.7).

Non-communicating meter

You can choose to have a non‑communicating meter installed, provided all the prerequisite conditions have been met. This option entails having a Hydro‑Québec employee travel to your premises to obtain your consumption data. Note that only the account holder can make this request.

A one-time $85 installation fee applies, followed by a monthly $2.50 fee (prorated according to your billing cycle). In the interest of fairness, Hydro‑Québec must ask customers who choose this option to cover the additional manual reading costs associated with the use of a non-communicating meter.

More about the prerequisite conditions for installing a non-communicating meter [PDF 4.69 MB]

If you opt for a non-communicating meter, your electricity bill will be based on your estimated electricity use during the periods between scheduled meter readings.

At any time, you can ask to have the non communicating‑meter replaced free of charge with a communicating meter. To do so, simply contact our Customer Services at 1 800 463‑9900.

Determining the type of meter installed and understanding the information displayed

It is easy to determine what type of meter Hydro‑Québec has installed. Begin by checking the identification number on the meter.

If the number starts with:

  • G, the meter is communicating.
  • X, the meter is non communicating.
  • any other alphanumeric characters, it’s an old generation meter and Hydro‑Québec will contact you when it’s time to install a communicating meter.

Understanding meter displays

Other useful information