The Winter Credit Option and Rate Flex G are two dynamic rate options that could enable you to save money if you use less electricity at our request during peak demand events.

It’s a way of rewarding you for helping spread out electricity demand during the winter period.

You’ll be notified about peak demand events by email and, if you wish, through our mobile app, no later than 5 p.m. the day before.

We get results when we work together.

Since December 1, the actions taken by all participants reduced demand by 248 megawatts per peak demand event. That’s the equivalent of the average demand of 35,000 households per event!

See the overall results.

What’s dynamic pricing?

Running time: 1 minute 15 seconds.
Textual video transcription

Video transcript Dynamic Pricing

  • 00:01Dynamic Pricing
  • 00:04We have new rate offerings that could help you
  • 00:06lower your electricity bill.
  • 00:09In the winter,
  • 00:10you can save money
  • 00:10by using less electricity
  • 00:12when we ask you to.
  • 00:14That’s because when it’s cold out,
  • 00:16everybody uses a lot of electricity
  • 00:17at the same time.
  • 00:19This creates peaks in demand,
  • 00:21because the grid is under a heavy load.
  • 00:24To spread out electricity use
  • 00:25more evenly
  • 00:26we schedule
  • 00:27what we call
  • 00:28peak demand events.
  • 00:31These events may occur mornings
  • 00:32and evenings.
  • 00:34It’s easy!
  • 00:35• You’ll get a notification the day before the event.
  • 00:41• Reduce your electricity use during the peak
  • 00:46or put it off until later,
  • 00:48• And you’ll see savings on your bill!
  • 00:53If you’re in a position to reduce your electricity use,
  • 00:56dynamic pricing is the right choice for you.
  • 01:01During the gradual rollout,
  • 01:02a limited number of customers
  • 01:04will have access to dynamic pricing.
  • 01:07Find out more about these offerings
  • 01:09and decide which one suits you best.
  • 01:12Dynamic pricing
  • 01:13is a smart choice!

Comparison of dynamic rate offerings with the base rate

Targeted period Rate G (base rate) Rate G with Winter Credit Option Rate Flex G
Summer period Base rate price Base rate price Base rate price
Winter period, outside of peak demand events Base rate price Base rate price Price lower than base rate
Winter period during peak demand events
(Max. 100 hours/winter)
Base rate price Base rate price minus credit of 58.168¢* per kilowatthour (kWh) curtailed Price higher than base rate: 58.168¢* per kWh consumed
Days when peak demand events may occur 7 days a week Monday to Friday
Impact on bill in relation to base rate Potential for savings Risk-free: your bill can only get smaller Potential for substantial savings
Your bill can increase if consumption is not reduced during peak demand events

*Rate in effect as of April 1, 2024. This table does not replace the Electricity Rates document in any way whatsoever.

Interested in dynamic pricing?

Compare the various offerings in your Customer Space.

Compare the rates and sign up

Compare the rates in your Customer Space to find out how much you could save and to sign up for the Winter Credit Option or Rate Flex G.

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Frequently asked questions

About dynamic pricing


Peak demand events