Innovative Projects

Financial support of $4.8 million to create a net-zero district energy system

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Durée : 2 minutes 39 seconds

A model ecodistrict from every angle

Transforming a former contaminated industrial zone into a sustainable living environment that’s a model of environmental, energy, social and economic development: such was the daunting challenge taken on by two visionary real estate developers, Jeff Westeinde and Scott Demark. With Zibi—a net-zero ecodistrict currently in the making in Gatineau and Ottawa, on a site that straddles the Québec and Ontario shores of the Outaouais (Ottawa River)—they’re about to reach their goal: that of building the most sustainable community in Canada. The project is the country’s first to obtain the world-class One Planet Living certification, and just the second in North America.

At the heart of this forward-looking ecodistrict is an innovative energy strategy that focuses on recovering industrial waste heat from the nearby Kruger paper plant: a 100% carbon-neutral approach that will use but a fraction of the energy typically needed for a community of this size.

The Zibi development by 2030: A few key figures for the portion of the project located in Québec

2.5 million square feet

5,000 residents

200 affordable rental units

6,000 jobs

$4.8 million financial support from Hydro‑Québec

21.9 GWh annual electricity savings

Heating and cooling sourced directly onsite

Quand Jeff Westeinde et Scott Demark lui ont présenté leur projet, Hydro‑Québec y a tout de suite vu un potentiel important d’économies d’électricité. Plus encore, elle y a vu l’occasion de soutenir un projet voué à faire des petits. Par son caractère novateur, son recours à des technologies d’avant-garde en matière énergétique, sa capacité à réduire la dépendance du Québec aux énergies fossiles, Zibi se qualifiait entièrement pour un appui financier dans le cadre du programme le plus généreux d’Hydro‑Québec : Projets innovative projects.

« Zibi is the first project supported by Hydro‑Québec to harvest industrial waste heat in an energy loop. Hydro‑Québec provided support to Zibi through its Innovative Projects Program, which offers incentives to develop high-performance, energy-efficient real estate projects that harness innovative technologies. It’s Hydro‑Québec’s most generous program. »

— Virginie Laforest, Account Representative

What really makes the project stand out is the Zibi Community Utility (ZCU) District Energy System: an independent system based on a heat recovery/energy loop concept that sets a new benchmark in terms of efficiency, demand response and carbon neutrality. Essentially, the energy needed for building heating and cooling is already there. There’s no need to generate it; rather, it’s a matter of knowing where to find it, then recovering and distributing it. This is where advanced technology comes into play.

The principle is simple. In winter, the heated water released by industrial processes at the nearby Kruger pulp and paper plant travels through a network of pipes to reach the ZCU Central Plant, a thermal generating station. This valuable source of heat that, until now, had simply been lost is now recovered and compressed, then injected into the district’s heating system and distributed to its buildings. In summer, the coolness needed for air-conditioning is sourced from the river’s water.

Looking to develop an innovative, high-performance, energy-efficient real estate project?

The Innovative Projects Program could provide you with up to $8 million in financial assistance.

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