Rate CB
Structure of medium-power Rate CB
The structure of monthly Rate CB for a medium-power annual contract, that is, a contract with a minimum billing demand of less than 5,000 kilowatts (kW), is as follows:
Price of energy for 30 days:
- First 210,000 kilowatthours (kWh) of authorized consumption 5.851¢/kWh
- Remaining authorized consumption 4.339¢/kWh
- Any consumption above or other than authorized consumption 17.450¢/kWh
- Consumption above 5% limit during curtailment periods 58.168¢/kWh
- Price of power demand for 30 days: $16.962/kW
If little or no electricity is used, a minimum charge is billed. It is $14.344 per month (30 days) when single-phase is delivered or $43.032 per month when three-phase is delivered.
If applicable, the credit for supply at medium or high voltage and the adjustment for transformation losses, as described in articles 11.2 and 11.4 of the Electricity Rates [PDF 1.44 MB], apply.
Rates in effect as of April 1, 2024. This table does not replace the Electricity Rates document in any way whatsoever.
Structure of large-power Rate CB
The structure of monthly Rate CB for a large-power annual contract, that is, a contract with a minimum billing demand of 5,000 kW or more, is as follows:
Price of energy for authorized consumption:
- Any consumption above or other than authorized consumption 17.450¢/kWh
- Consumption above 5% limit during curtailment periods 58.168¢/kWh
- Price of power demand for 30 days: $15.426/kW
If applicable, the credit for supply at medium or high voltage and the adjustment for transformation losses, as described in articles 11.2 and 11.4 of the Electricity Rates [PDF 1.44 MB], apply.
Rates in effect as of April 1, 2024. This table does not replace the Electricity Rates document in any way whatsoever.
Cost of work required to fulfill connection request
If your connection request is for an electrical installation where at least 50 MW of installed capacity will be dedicated to cryptographic use applied to blockchains, you must assume the entire cost of the work.
None of the work is included in basic service. Moreover, no allowance will be applied to reduce the amount, nor is there any refund, as provided for in Section 10.4 of the Conditions of Service, for addition of a new electrical installation of this type on a distribution line.
For the full text, please see Section 9.7.7 in Chapter 9, Section 10.4 in Chapter 10, and Section 19.1.3 in Chapter 19 of the Conditions of Service [PDF 2.3 MB].
Curtailment periods
Hydro-Québec may limit the real power demand under the contract to 5% of the maximum recorded in the 12 previous months ending at the end of the consumption period in question. Curtailment requests may apply to a maximum of 300 hours per year, that is, from April 1 of one year through March 31, inclusive, of the next year, on 2 hours’ notice prior to the start of any given curtailment period.
More information
For more details about Rate CB, consult Section 1 of Chapter 7 of the Electricity Rates [PDF 1.44 MB].
Total amount of electricity supplied at a given time. Expressed in kilowatts (kW), power is the combined effect of voltage, expressed in kilovolts (kV), and current, expressed in amperes (A).

Authorized consumption
A value, expressed in kilowatthours, corresponding to the consumption associated with the authorized demand during a consumption period.
Curtailment period
A period during which the customer’s real power demand may not exceed 5% of the highest value recorded during a consumption period included in the 12 consecutive months ending at the end of the consumption period in question.
Power used by electrical equipment over a given period of time. Expressed in kilowatthours (kWh), energy is calculated as power, expressed in kilowatts (kW), multiplied by the time during which the power is used, expressed in hours (h).
The formula for energy is as follows: energy (in kilowatthours) is equal to power (in kilowatts) multiplied by duration of use (in hours).

A distributed and secure database, in its current and future versions, in which successive transactions between users are recorded in chronological order in the form of interlinked blocks going back to the first block in the chain.
Minimum billing demand (minimum demand)
The minimum amount of power that the customer must pay for each consumption period, regardless of electricity use. The threshold is set so that you pay your share of the costs Hydro‑Québec incurs to meet your power needs at all times. The minimum billing demand is determined by the conditions of each rate, as indicated in the Electricity Rates.
- For all rates except Rate L, the minimum billing demand is automatically determined based on the previous winter’s maximum power demand.
- Rate L customers must set their own minimum billing demand, called “contract power,” based on the amount of electricity they expect to use.
Minimum charge (minimum monthly bill)
Minimum amount billable for electricity service even if little or no electricity has been used in the billing period.
- Low voltage: Voltage of 750 volts (V) or less.
- Medium voltage: Voltage of more than 750 V, but less than 44 kilovolts (kV).
- High voltage: Voltage of 44 kV or more.
Operation that involves increasing or decreasing voltage through a transformer.
Real power
Amount of electricity consumed in a useful manner to operate equipment, such as a motor or a heating or lighting system. Real power is expressed in kilowatts (kW).
Consumption period
Period during which electricity is delivered to the customer and which extends between the two dates used by Hydro-Québec for calculation of the bill.
A customer‑generator is a Hydro‑Québec customer who produces electricity using equipment they own and operate to meet part of all of their energy needs.